This month has been very crucial, as we are witnessing various changes in the organization lately, by changes I mean revamping the mindset of our employees.

Now various sessions of employee grooming, motivation, time management etc have been scheduled but one such session which actually changed even my thought process was that on “PARADIGM”, the session was given by Mr.Tarang Goyal our MD .It definitely needs a lot of R&D to come up with such an intrinsic but amazing explaination about human behavior.

What is Paradigm?

Bookish / Dictionary meaning would say it as basically a framework containing the basic assumptions, ways of thinking and methodology that are commonly accepted by the members of a specific community.In simpler words it is a predefined assumption of human brain where it doesn’t want to think past a decided path but breaking the “Paradigm” is what we want while Sourcing/Recruitment.As we know we cannot solve any problem with the same state of find which created it.

“Thinking out of the box, is an ideology which needs to be imbibed”

Examples :

  • Why are we always behind the candidate?
  • If a person is in need of the job he/she shall call back after going through the job postings.
  • Why can’t we use our database to source candidates for same requirements which we have catered in the past. It will help us to save our time.
  • We should be thinking new ways in which we can outperform the given targets.
  • How can I be more productive with less efforts.

Given a thought on such key points , we can open up new doors and reach our targets in an extraordinary way.

Summarizing my thoughts I would like to say

“We need to break our paradigm and clear our minds and see the world with a new prospective. ”