It is important to understand the prevailing trends in the current employment market, Let us have a quick gaze at the trends that are predicted in the year 2018.

Increased demand for skilled full-time employees

The ongoing tight labor market means that companies will continue to be challenged with finding the right employees, particularly for skilled and technical positions.

Increased demand for temp staffing

As employers search for the best candidates for open positions, they will rely more on temp employees to fill in. But even finding quality temps in the current job market is getting tough, with supply barely able to keep up with demand.

Increases in compensation

To attract candidates from competitors, and to keep good employees from leaving, companies may have to increase salaries, enhance other benefits or both.

Technology’s effect on workers

As technological advances replace some workers, employers will need to decide who to keep on board to be trained for other existing or new positions.

Working remotely

A 2017 Gallup report showed more and more Americans working remotely and for longer periods of time. The trend of working from home—whether one day a week or all the time—will keep growing as companies realize technology lets them recruit with a wider net and offer this option as a no-cost benefit to some current employees.