Getting hired for jobs these days is DIFFICULT. And today I want to share with you 3 interviewing tips that will give you a distinct advantage over your competition and put in the front of the hiring line.

1.) Quantify your results when speaking of accomplishments: By quantifying your results and saying exactly what you will do when they give you the job, you are clearly separating yourself from your competition and connecting with prospective employers by telling them exactly what they want to hear.

For example, if a candidate said: “If I’m chosen for this position, my goal will be to meet and exceed the position requirements; and if that leads to more opportunities down the road, I think that would be great for all of us!”

But that is a weak statement.

Instead you want to say what you will do and how you will do it — and use numbers to quantify your results

Best of all, your forward thinking shows you have a plan for this job.

2.) “Never take silence as a sign an employer is not interested in you.”

When you don’t hear back from an employer, pick up the phone and call them. Email is easier, but it’s both cheap and easy.

Picking up the phone and calling takes more effort and conveys your intentions on a completely different level.

Anyone can send email, but calling says that you really want to work there and you are very interested.

So my advice to you is to NOT sit and wait, but to be proactive and reach out to them when they appear silent to you.

3.) Enthusiasm:

If you’ve taken the time to demonstrate your worth and to do homework on the company, you’re probably in good shape.

So how do you demonstrate enthusiasm?

It’s hard to teach enthusiasm and you can’t fake it. It’s your own level of interest in the company, how excited you are to be there, the expressions on your face, the tone of your voice, your attentiveness – it’s all those things and more all rolled into one.

But I think the root of enthusiasm is the confidence you have in yourself. When you are confident in yourself and what you are doing, enthusiasm shines through.